Bootcamp de Innovación Disruptiva
Vive una experiencia transformadora y aprende que con trabajo en equipo, método y una actitud emprendedora, puedes liderar procesos de innovación

In-company disruptive innovation program to the generate of ideas in corporate environments and to train & transform the employees, with the help and guidance of innovation experts and facilitators of Imagine, as well as experienced international enterpreneurs.
The participants, grouped in teams, will work the Lombard Methodology that was developed by the Imagine Creativity Center in Silicon Valley and validated in 150+ projects. This 4-phase methodology is based on the values of Design Thinking + Design Doing.
The outputs of an Imagine bootcamp are: learning a new way of thinking and working, creating a solution for the company internal needs and designing a funcional prototype ready to implement.

MORE INFORMATION Email: info@imagine.cc

In May 2017, Imagine Food Tech Basque Culinary Center is taking 12 extraordinary talents in different fields on a 10 day innovation road trip to create world changing solutions to the challenges of our food system.
They will be challenged by the most innovative food companies to develop projects that are relevant for people, the planet and profits.
The innovation road trip will be inspired by the talent of the dreamers, mentors, industry experts, food-tech innovators, tech entrepreneurs and out-of-the-box thinkers to generate disruptive solutions at the intersection of food and technology.

Imagine IOT is a creativity program that identifies problems and suggests world changing solutions in the area of Internet of Things. The ideas are pursued by multidisciplinary teams which work in the Barcelona environment for four months.
This program is a collaboration agreement between: Imagine Creativity Center (IMAGINE), EADA Business School Barcelona, Elisava School of Design and Engineering, and the Telecom BCN School (ETSETB) and Barcelona School of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB) both part of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
This program will take place once a year. In every edition, at least 20 talented people will work on at least 4 disruptive projects (one of them for a social institution or company) that will change their lives.


L’Imagine mSocial 2016 es proposa visualitzar el potencial transformador que la tecnología digital té per millorar la qualitat de vida i la inclusió social. Quatre equips treballaran durant un mes per generar solucions innovadores, útils i disruptives als reptes socials més punyents
Aquesta edició local, impartida en català, compta amb col·laboració d’empreses tecnològiques i socials, del tercer sector d’acció social, administracions públiques i centres de recerca.

Imagine Bocconi is a disruptive innovation program aimed to generate solutions to the challenges proposed by external companies. During one weekend, 18 dreamers work in teams of 3 while living in Castello Di Pavone in Torino with the goal of creating business solutions. The teams count on a number of great mentors and experts to guide them through the creation process of their project. The ideas generated are presented in Milan in front of industry experts, executives, professors and entrepreneurs.

Imagine 7 Islands es un programa de innovación por las 7 islas canarias para generar ideas disruptivas en el sector turístico. El programa se iniciará el próximo 1 de enero de 2016, recorrerá las 7 islas canarias (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Gomera, Isla de la Palma, El Hierro y Tenerife) y acabará en Santa Cruz de Tenerife el 14 de enero de 2016 con un evento público de presentación de resultados. En el programa participaran 12 talentos y profesionales de distintas edades y sectores que se configurarán en 4 equipos de 3 para trabajar en retos propuestos por 4 empresas del sector turístico.
La metodología de trabajo se basará en el método Lombard del centro de creatividad Imagine del Silicon Valley de California.

Imagine Express is a program aimed to generate businesses in the Mobile sector. Imagine Express takes place during a 4-day trip by train that will travel from Barcelona-Paris-London. The participants (12 creative minds, 12 software engineers and 12 business students), are divided in groups of 3 with the goal of generating apps for one of the 4 strategic sectors selected for the occasion.
The 12 apps are presented to investors in London and the best team of each sector is given the opportunity to pith at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
* Other prizes awarded to winning teams are unique for every edtion.With the participation of MOBILE WORLD CAPITAL & MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS

Imagine Silicon Valley is a disruptive innovation program aimed to generate solutions to the challenges proposed by 4 external companies. During one month 12 dreamers work in teams of 3 while living immersive radical experience in Silicon Valley. The dreamers visit top-notch companies and startups who share their experiences and learnings with them. The teams also count with a number of great mentors to guide them through the creation process of their project. The ideas generated are presented in San Francisco in front of investors, executives and entrepreneurs of the Valley.
Silicon Valley company visits and hotspots:

Imagine Colombia es un programa de innovación disruptiva para la generación de soluciones a los retos planteados por 4 empresas. Un total de 12 participantes llamados Dreamers que no se conocerán previamente se deberán configurar en equipos de 3 para generar y desarrollar ideas durante el viaje. En la parte final del programa cada uno de los equipos deberá presentar sus ideas ante un jurado de expertos. Los 4 equipos presentará sus soluciones en Andicom el mismo día que termina el programa.
Una vez finalizado el programa, se buscará el mejor modelo (spin-off, intraemprendimiento, etc.) para que las ideas generadas puedan desarrollarse bajo la tutela y dirección de las empresas que han lanzado las retos.

Imagine Cultura Barcelona is a program designated to generate disruptive ideas and innovation projects within the framework of art, culture and science.
In this unique edition, 12 passionate dreamers are set up in multidisciplinary teams to research, explore and come out with breakthrough projects to respond to great challenges defiant by our partners. A month of hard and fun work that takes place across an itinerant circuit in the greatest artistic centres of the city, furthermore, dreamers receive in a master class format the vision of outstanding experts within the cultural sector.
Imagine Cultura Barcelona collaborators:
Imagine postdigital is a creative space for entrepreneurs related to the communications industry. The goal of this edition is to design the industrial ecosystem of communication of the XXI century. During 4 weeks 12 dreamers work in teams of 3 in Barcelona, Madrid and and their surroundings meeting influencers in the fields of communication and innovation. The program ends in a public event in Barcelona where the ideas generated by the teams are presented.