We have 3 major fields of action:
Water How do we reduce the water consumption of our pools?
Energy How can we be more efficient in the use of energy in swimming pools?
Materials How can we use more sustainable materials?
Perhaps the biggest challenge we face today is how we deal with climate change and how we implement a sustainable development model that reorders, among others, the way we consume natural resources. The objective is to improve the quality of life of people as well as improve the environment.
At Fludira, we are committed to this objective and for that we dedicate more and more resources to develop products and solutions that have minimal environmental impact.
We want to share with you this common goal and for that we invite you to participate in the second edition of Fluidra Innovation Week, this year dedicated to Sustainable Development in the field of Pool & Wellness.
Send us your most innovative ideas!
The winning team(s) will get the ticket to enter the incubation process at Fluidra Accelera to keep working on the projects and become an intrapeneur in Fluidra.
Apply here if you want to be a dreamer of the next edition in October 2018